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Looking after your AWTS — Chamber Sets

Shaded Aeration Housing box Choules Kelmscott.jpg
45 Goodliffe St Norseman Aeration Box Shaded By Hedge.jpg
Cazzoli City Beach In the Sun and BLACK !.jpg
47 Scotia St Wiluna.jpeg

What is a chamber set?


Our techs are frequently called out to attend to a chamber set failure this hard working component of your ATU runs non stop 24 hours per day making bubbles of air. These bubbles float up through the effluent feeding the aerobic bacteria as they go.



Most Aerobic Treatment Units with air pumps have one of these chamber sets installed. the high temperatures we experience here in Perth and regional Western Australia shorten the life of this hard working component. An overheated chamber set can easily tear and stop the operation of the air pump.


Many properties around WA are fitted with aeration Housing covers that are made with plastic or fibreglass and offer inadequate ventilation for these high temperatures.

The expected life span of a chamber set is around 12 months in our climate. Obviously, if it’s exposed to heat, not ventilated, painted black or not shaded, then it will mostly not last the expected 12 months.

What can you do about it?

  1. Check your air pump. Does it look like it has adequate ventilation? (Some older style ATU’s have small “window vents” cut into them.)

  2. Avoid painting your aeration housing black. It can raise the temperature that your air pump has to operate in by several degrees on a hot day and this will cause early diaphragm failure.

  3. Plant shade giving foliage close by to keep the air pump cool.

  4. Ask us about installing a breathable cover for your air pump.

Why is important to help minimise temperature around my chamber set?

If your chamber set becomes overheated, the pump will fail and the ATU will not be able to adequately do it’s job. When the air pump stops working the system will start to get stinky and this is not something that we would wish you to experience. Keep an eye on your alarm panel or strobe light. It should tell you if you have a problem with your air pump.

Questions? Call the friendly team at Ecowater Services on 9248 9440. We’re here to help.


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